Message Node


Message nodes allow you to reach out to users across all your integrated channels. Depending on the channel you select, you can either add a creative or a chatbot flow module.

Adding a message node

Click on any + icon that appears between and after nodes, then click Channels, and select the channel you'd like to use to send the message.

Next, enter a node name and set up the creatives or flow modules, depending on whether you selected a message node for an AIQUA channel or BotBonnie channel.

Message node: AIQUA channel

If you add a message node for an AIQUA channel, you'll see a button to add a creative.


To learn more about each creative and its settings, refer to the table of creative types.

For app push channels (Android and iOS), you also have the option to use advanced templates. To view the available advanced templates, select Use advanced Android template or Use advanced iOS template.

Message node: BotBonnie channel

If you add a message node for a BotBonnie channel, you'll see a button to add a flow module.


To learn more about creating modules, see Modules and Messages.

Dynamic content in creatives

Some creative fields support dynamic content. Click the dynamic content icon to add personalized content.

Users who are sent the message will be split into two paths based on whether the message is sent, delivered, viewed, clicked, or opened. You can click the On send or On view dropdown menu to change the split criteria.